Sikkim tourism industry on path of recovery: Restrictions lifted on tourists entering the state

Sikkim is known for  its breathtaking landscapes and natural green forest, which has always attracted travellers and tourists worldwide. However, the

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COVID-19 Third Wave: How Prepared and Equipped is Sikkim?

With the fear of the third wave of the COVID-19 outbreak gripping many parts of

The ONORC Scheme and 371 (F) Status of Sikkim: Challenges and Concerns

On July 28 Chief Minister of Sikkim Prem Singh Tamang launched the One Nation One

SU to introduce PhD in Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo language:will help in promotion of local languages: VC

Sikkim University to start PhD Courses in three local languages namely Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo

Sikkim: All educational institutions to remain closed till August 31

“Having observed that the possibility of spread of infection among the school, college and university-going

Sikkim Daily Covid-19 report: 198 recoveries, 240 positive

Sikkim reported 240 new positive cases taking the state’s cumulative count to 25856 cases, currently