With demand to ‘absorb’ as teachers under Education Department, Sikkim Vocational and Information Communication Technology teachers under Sikkim Binding Industries (SIBin) conducts peace rally from Indira By-Pass to District Admirative Centre. More than 300 teachers took part in the rally.
In the rally, participants were seen holding Plc cards, “ONLY DEMAND IS ABSORPTION BY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT” “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways”.

Addressing the media, Dawa T Lepcha of All Sikkim VE&ICT teachers stated that the recruitment process of VE&ICT teachers started in the year 2004 and the recruitment was conducted by the third party, “We have more than 650 teacher by now who has been recruited and working in this particular field.”

On necessity to organise the rally, Lepcha said, “There are numerous problems, our sole demand is absorption of ‘All Sikkim VE&ICT teachers’ under government service book rule, along with that we also should get all government service benefits as we have also been working equally as others and have been contributing to the education system”
Furthermore, Lepcha also stressed that protests on the same issue are going on in other states of the country.
Prior to the peace rally of March 12, VE&ICT teachers submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister dated July 15, 2019. The memorandum was subjected, “Request for absorption of Vocational Teachers serving under SIBin under H.R.D.D according to the manifesto of the party”
“With profound respect and humble submission, we the undersigned. Vocational Teachers, serving in different government schools of Sikkim under SIBin beg to lay the following lines of prayers for favour of your kind consideration and favourable order. Sir, we the undersigned were appointed by SIBin in different government schools of Sikkim several years back as vocational teachers (IT/TTM/ICT etc.) and since our appointment we have been performing our duties most loyally and sincerely.” Reads the letter
“Sir, according to the manifesto of SKM party. published prior the last election, vide Manifesto No. 17 (4) the party had promised to absorb all the vocational teachers of SIBin under Human Resource Development Department, Government of Sikkim. We therefore, most humbly and respectfully beg to pray your Hon’ble Sir to be kind enough to consider the & have, be facts and kindly absorb us under Human Resource process along Development Department so that we may be able to serve the department in a better way.” Letter concludes
The recruitment process of vocational teachers started in the year 2004 under SIBin Group when the HRDD department implemented Vocational Education as a distinct vocational streams/additional subjects at +2 level in 40 Government Senior Secondary Schools of Sikkim.
On the issue Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on December 12, 2022 addressing the diamond jubilee celebration of Assam Lingzey school assured ‘full corporation to the vocational teachers’ and urged them to develop a positive stride.