Tag: SKM

Golay got more votes in 2 constituencies than entire BJP party in Sikkim

GANGTOK: Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Golay collectively secured 20,574 votes in two constituencies of Rhenock and Soreng Chakung. The

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8 arrested in alleged trespassing and assault case on SDF Candidate and supporters at Sawney, West Pendam

Pakyong District Police on Monday has arrested eight individuals in relation to alleged Trespassing and Assault case on SDF Candidate

By SC Desk

Sikkim: Opposition political parties and organizations denounce the Registration of Birth and Death (Amendment)Act 2023

After the passage of The Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act in the Lok Sabha on August 1 and

Sikkim’s spirit of Article 371f under threat with ‘The Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023’: Pawan Chamling

Former Chief Minister of Sikkim, Pawan Kumar Chamling, raised concerns about the potential erosion of the state's unique legal provisions,

SDF 2.0 is just  a strategy  to regain power  by Pawan Chamling  and  SDF party  or in  simple  words “OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLE” : SKM

Press Release 1.Timing: The introduction of SDF 2.0 just before the upcoming elections raises questions about its true intentions. It

By SC Desk

“SKM government’s crony capitalism has created massive economic discrepancies”: Chamling

Press Release Pawan Chamling shares his concern about Sikkim ranking 4th in unemployment rate in the country and questions the

By SC Desk

“ All Possible Help to Avalanche Victims”: PS GOLAY

Sikkim Chief Minister pS Tamang has said that all possible help from the state government would be given to the

विपक्षी सदस्यहरुको विरोधको कारण २४ मार्चको दिन संसदमा ल्याएको वित्त विधेयक २०२३ बिना बहस पारित भएको हो : इन्द्रहाङ सुब्बा

विपक्षी सदस्यहरुको विरोधको कारण २४ मार्चको दिन संसदमा ल्याएको वित्त विधेयक २०२३ बिना बहस पारित भएको सिक्किमका एकमात्र सांसद इन्द्रहाङ

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