Rs 368.90cr released by Finance Ministry, Government of India on January 20 as advance instalment of tax devolution to Sikkim.“The release would help the states to drive up capital expenditure and aid growth. This being a very exceptional year, states will not be short of money in their hands when all of us are pushing forward with the infrastructure expenditure to be taken up by them.” said Nirmala Sitaraman Finance Minister
Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang in a tweet stated that“The Government of Sikkim would like to expess our gratitude to Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi Ji & Hon’ble Finance Minister Smt. @nsitharaman Ji for releasing Advance Instalment of tax devolution of Rs 368.94 crores. This will help the State in relieving the financial stress brought in by the Covid-19 pandemic and accelerate capital & developmental expenditure,”.