As per the police report, on August 20 telephonic information was received from Temba Sherpa, mentioning a 16 years old girl committing suicide by hanging in a horizontal beam inside her own house with the help of school sweater. Following to which, the police personnel during course of investigation found a notebook containing the suicide note written by the deceased.
The suicide note revealed about how a 16 years old girl was raped while returning home from her school. She was wrongfully restrained and sexually assaulted by a person named Chewang. “During the inspection one notebook containing the suicide note written by the 16 years old deceased was recovered beside the dead body and upon scrutiny of the same it is learned that on the same day i.e. August 20, while the deceased was returning home from her school she was wrongfully restrained and sexually assaulted” reads the police report.
“Preliminary Investigation revealed that the accused person resides in the nearby village of victim’s house. On the relevant day deceased had gone to her school for submitting assignment papers and while returning home she had been sexually assaulted by the alleged person nearby her house” added the police statement
Further the accused has been arrested and taken into custody observing the legal formalities including accused medical examination report. The body of deceased has been taken for Medico Legal autopsy at New STNM Hospital at Gangtok.